Routine or Schedule: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide
If you're like me, juggling the wild, wonderful world of homeschooling, you know that keeping things running smoothly requires some degree of planning and organization. The big question often is: should you stick to a strict homeschool schedule, or is a more relaxed routine the way to go? Having tried both approaches, I've gathered some insights that might just help you find that sweet spot between structure and flexibility.
Reviving Christian Values: A Call to Action from Marilyn Howshall
I recently watched this incredible video lecture about reviving Christian values by Marilyn Howshall called "If My People…—What Are the 'Ways' of 2 Chronicles 7:14?" (the first in a series). I just had to share some of my takeaways with you. Marilyn dives deep into the Bible passage 2 Chronicles 7:14, discussing how we, as a Christian community, need to shake off our "wicked ways" to truly achieve spiritual and community revival. She touches on everything from how we manage our families, to how we educate our kids, all rooted in bringing back true biblical Christian values. It was such an eye-opener!