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Routine or Schedule: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide

If you’re like me, juggling the wild, wonderful world of homeschooling, you know that keeping things running smoothly requires some degree of planning and organization. The big question often is: should you stick to a strict homeschool schedule, or is a more relaxed routine the way to go? Having tried both approaches, I’ve gathered some insights that might just help you find that sweet spot between structure and flexibility.

Routine or Schedule A Homeschool Mom's Guide to Managing the Day

The Beauty of Routines: Why We Love Them in Our Homeschool

What’s a Routine Anyway?

schedule or routine

Think of a homeschool routine as the rhythm of your day—it’s not about watching the clock, but more about the flow of activities. Maybe you’ll start with breakfast, then maybe some reading time, followed by a science experiment, but you’re not going to be super strict about the specific start times.

Why Routines Rock:

  •  Flexibility is Key: Some days, the math lesson just takes longer, and that’s okay! Routines give us the wiggle room to dive deeper into subjects when the kids are really engaged.
  •  Less Stress, More Learning: Without the pressure of the ticking clock, I find the kids (and me!) are way less stressed and a lot more immersed in what we’re learning.
  •  Fosters Independence: My kids know how our days flow. They know after reading together in the morning, it’s time for their table work, which the boys can start on their own (the girls are too young yet for much independent work). It’s great for building self-directed learners and teaching homeschool time management. (I’ll share more about how I set my kids up for gaining independence with their school days in a future post.)

Getting into the Groove with Homeschool Routines:

  1. Identify What’s Important: Start with the non-negotiables in your day—meal times, naps for the little ones, and of course, brain-breaks as needed!
  2. Keep it Consistent: The trick is consistency. The order of things stays the same, even if the timing flexes.
  3. Tweak as You Go: As your family grows and changes, so should your routine. What works one semester might need adjusting the next.

Schedules: When Timing Really Matters

What is a Schedule?

Schedules are more about specific times. For example, 9 AM for math, 10 AM for science. It’s more structured and can be really helpful for fitting everything in, especially when you have older kids or more subjects to cover.

Why Schedules Can Be Super Helpful:

  •  Predictability: Everyone knows what’s happening when, which can be really comforting for both me and the kids.
  •  Maximizes Our Day: It’s amazing how much more we can sometimes squeeze into our day with a little bit of planning.
  •  Teaches Time Management: It’s a life skill, right? And if we’re being honest, some of us struggle with time management, even as adults! My kids have gotten much better at understanding how to manage their time in recent years.

How To Make Homeschool Schedules Work:

  1. Plan It Out: Sit down with a cup of coffee and write out what needs to happen each day. Note how long you need to complete each activity (don’t forget to leave a little “wiggle room”), how many days a week you need to do that activity, and in what order activities should be done. For example, if your kiddo struggles with math, you might want to consider tackling it first thing in the morning when they’re bright-eyed and ready to roll!
  2. Use Tools: We love using Trello as both a grade book and a guide to our days. This way, everyone can see what’s happening and when.
  3. Revisit Regularly: What worked? What didn’t? Adjusting your schedule weekly will help keep you on track and reduce stress.
schedule or routine

Routine or Schedule: Finding Your Fit

Deciding between a routine or schedule might depend on what stage of homeschooling you’re at. With younger kids, I’ve found routines work best—younger kiddos are just so unpredictable! But as they get older, schedules help them (and me) stay on track, especially when balancing multiple subjects or outside activities.

Mixing It Up: A Few Ideas

  • Weekday Schedules, Weekend Routines: Strict schedules might help you to stay disciplined during the week, but on weekends, you can relax a bit more with a loose routine.
  • Age-Appropriate Adjustments: Little ones thrive on routines, while most teens do better with a clear schedule— maintaining a schedule helps them prepare for the real world, I suppose!

From Our Homeschool to Yours

In our home, a mixture of both routines or schedules keeps everyone happy, on-task and learning. We start the day with a flexible morning routine, then switch to a slightly more strict schedule for our core subjects. Afternoons are more relaxed, allowing for electives, play, and exploration, which we enjoy using a loop schedule for (you can read more about Loop Scheduling HERE).

I have noticed that when we neglect to follow our regular “routine”, that’s often when more behavioral issues crop up, from both the kids and Mom! So I am very intentional about taking the time to develop a routine that works best for us, revamping said routine when necessary, and sticking to it. We have a happier home as a result.

FAQs from Fellow Homeschooling Moms

How can I introduce a new routine or schedule to my kids?

Start small! Pick one part of your day to structure more tightly and see how it goes. Kids need time to adjust, and so do you.

What if my family completely rebels against a schedule?

It happens! If it’s not working, scale back. Maybe turn it into a looser routine, or focus on scheduling little bits of your day at a time. The beauty of homeschooling is its adaptability.

Can a mix of routines and schedules really work?

Absolutely! It’s all about finding what works best for your family’s needs, energy levels, and educational goals. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

Is there an easy way to shift from routine to schedule?

My advice? Gradually! Start by scheduling only the most important tasks at specific times and let the rest of the day remain flexible. It can be a smoother transition for everyone.

Navigating the homeschooling day doesn’t have to be a rigid ordeal. Whether you choose a routine or schedule, or a mix of both, what matters most is that it works for your family, enhances your children’s learning experience, and keeps you all sane in the process. Here’s to finding your family’s perfect blend of structure and spontaneity!

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